The Health Professional Loan Repayment Program Electronic Application will open March 15, 2025.

Health Professional Loan Repayment Program
The purpose of the New Mexico Health Professional Loan Repayment Program (HPLRP) is to provide repayment for outstanding student loans of practicing health professionals. As a condition of the program, a health professional must make a three- year service commitment to practice full-time in a designated medical shortage area in New Mexico. The HPLRP is a competitive program. Application to the program does not guarantee funding.
Eligible New Mexico Licensed Health Professionals
Allied Health Fields
Dental Fields
Medical & Nursing Fields
Mental Health Fields
- U.S. Citizen;
- New Mexico Resident (12 consecutive months);
- Licensed/Certified in the State of New Mexico;
- Employed Full-Time (36 hours);
- Currently Providing Clinical Care to Patients.
When To Apply
The HPLRP application opens every year on March 15th and closes May 1st. Electronic applications must be completed in full and submitted online by 5:00PM on May 1, 2025. Applications with any documents or information missing will not be reviewed for funding.
Where To Apply
The electronic application link will be available below starting on March 15th. The electronic application portal link will be removed promptly on the closing date of May 1, 2025.
Scoring Process
The New MexicoHealth Advisory Committee reviews each individual application, assigning a score using a matrix in the following areas:
- HPSA Score (Federal)
- Service Area
- Area Health Statistics Key Indicators (determined by the New Mexico Department of Health)
- Population Served
- Priority will be given to those applicants working in designated areas of greatest need. Decisions on funding are made on a case-by-case basis and all ranking is at the discretion of the New Mexico Health Advisory Committee.
The program is federal and state funded. Health Professionals practicing in federal Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSA) will be offered federal funding first and will receive the highest priority. Health Professionals eligible for state funding only will have the application reviewed by the Health Advisory Committee. The committee will use the approved scoring procedure to rank the applicants.
Payments are made on the quarterly basis to the loan servicer directly upon verification of employment for the quarter.
If awarded the program, the applicant must commit to a three-year service obligation working within their current position, facility and county.
HPLRP is a serious commitment to the underserved citizens of New Mexico. Therefore, all participants are expected to complete their service obligation of 3-years. If a program participant does not comply with the terms of the participation agreement, the department shall assess a penalty of three times the amount of the award disbursed, plus eighteen percent (18%) interest.
The Health Professional Loan Repayment Program Application Opens March 15, 2025
The application will close on May 1, 2025.
For program questions please email or call 1-800-279-9777
For technical assistance, please visit the Submittable Help Desk
Please verify that all information is accurate and all required documents have been uploaded prior to submission. Once an application is submitted, no further edits, additions, or document uploads can be made.
NMHED, Financial Aid Division Contact Information
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CONTACT US: If you require additional guidance on how to direct your question or are not able to locate the information you are looking for on the New Mexico Higher Education Department's website, please send us a message.