New Mexico Children, Youth & Families Worker Loan Repayment Program
The New Mexico Children, Youth and Families Worker Loan Repayment Program provides education loan repayment assistance to certain professionals employed with the New Mexico Children, Youth and Families Department.
The purpose of the program is to increase the number of public service workers in the critical need positions at the Children, Youth and Families Department through an educational loan repayment program. The program provides for repayment of the principal and reasonable interest accrued on federal and private loans obtained for educational purposes.
- Have satisfactorily completed two years of service with the Children, Youth and Families Department as a Public Service Worker (may include initial probationary year). If probationary year was completed within another state agency, two years of service within the Children, Youth and Families Department MUST be completed.
- Must have completed a bachelor's or master's degree in a critical field.
- Be a citizen of the United States or a permanent resident alien.
- Must work directly with children and families in a critical need position within the New Mexico Children, Youth and Families Department in either the Protective Services Division or the Juvenile Justice Division of CYFD.
When To Apply
The New Mexico Children, Youth and Families Worker Loan Repayment Program electronic application opens every year on August 15th and closes on October 1st.
Where To Apply
The application will available below starting on August 15th. The electronic application link will be removed promptly on the closing date of October 1st.
Funding preference is given to the following groups:
- New Mexico Residents;
- Priority professions determined annually by the selection committee;
- Graduates from a New Mexico public postsecondary institution;
- Eligible individuals who fill a designed critical need position as determined annually by the selection committee.
Application Process
PDF documents you will need to upload to the electronic application when applying:
- Copy of Driver's License.
- Unofficial transcript of completed bachelor's or master's degree.
- Proof of Student Loans/Loan Debt Information. Loan amount(s) on statements MUST match loan amount provided within the application. (copy of current loan statement must be dated after April 1, 2025). If you are unable to upload a student loan statement due to the suspended student loan payments, you may upload a Student Loan Detail. Please ensure your name, loan number and loan balance are visible on the uploaded student loan detail.
Awards will be determined by an applicant's overall reported educational debt at the time of application. Eligibility for funding will be reviewed on an annual basis and may be adjusted due to changes in annual income or changes in legislative funding.
Payments will be made directly to the selected participant's student loan provider. Participants are eligible to reapply each year for consideration of additional funding. Please note all awards are subject to available funding.
The CYFD Worker Loan Repayment Program Application will open August 15, 2025.
The application will close promptly at 5:00PM on October 1, 2025.
All documents uploaded must be in PDF format.
CYFD Application closes 5:00PM on October 1, 2025
Applicants will need to create a new account and password using the new Submittable System
Please ensure your information is correct prior to submission.
Please email any questions to fin.aid@hed.nm.gov
Search for Information:
CONTACT US: If you require additional guidance on how to direct your question or are not able to locate the information you are looking for on the New Mexico Higher Education Department's website, please send us a message.