Graduate Scholarship
The Graduate Scholarship was created to increase graduate enrollment at public post-secondary institutions for students from groups underrepresented in graduate education.
- Priority will be given to New Mexico students from those groups with the most severe under-representation and students with the greatest financial need.
- A citizen of the United States or permanent resident.
- Agree to serve in an unpaid internship or assistantship at the eligible institution, a government agency or private industry approved by his major department for ten hours per week during the academic year.
- Eligible according to a standard needs analysis or financial aid officer’s professional judgment.
When To Apply
Students shall contact institution for eligibility period.
Where To Apply
Students shall apply at the eligible institution he/she will be attending.
How To Apply
Students shall contact their institution’s financial aid office for application instruction.
Students may receive up to $7,200 per year.
Each scholarship is awarded for period of one academic year. A recipient who remains in good academic standing in his/her course of study, as determined by the institution, may receive the scholarship for a total of two years for master’s degree program students.
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