Public Service Law Loan Repayment Program
The New Mexico Public Service Law Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP) offers legal education loan repayment awards to attorneys that provide legal services to low income or underserved residents of New Mexico. Eligible employment sites include state or local government or the non-profit sector in New Mexico.
Eligible Employers
- Organizations that are exempt from taxation pursuant to Section 501(c) (3) that provides for the care and maintenance of indigent persons in New Mexico through civil legal services
- The New Mexico Public Defender’s Department
- The New Mexico District Attorney's Office
- Licensed to practice in New Mexico as an attorney and shall declare intent to practice as an attorney in public service employment in New Mexico.
- Have student loans that were obtained for legal education expenses that are not in default (past or present).
- Must have applied to all available legal educational loan repayment programs offered by the applicant’s law school for which the applicant qualifies.
- Must be employed as an attorney at an eligible employment site (Note: Individuals with an official job offer may apply).
- The program is now open to all public service attorneys in New Mexico. The New Mexico Higher Education Department will prioritize applicants based on income levels.
- This is a service-based program, which requires a three (3) year commitment to work in Public Service Law. Past program participants may be eligible for renewal.
How To Apply
- Complete the LRAP application packet
When To Apply
The application opens on November 1st and closes on December 1st.
Where To Apply
The application will be available at the bottom of this page on November 1.
The maximum award is $7,200.00 Per year.
The New Mexico Public Service Law Loan Repayment Application will Open November 3, 2025.
The application will close at 5:00 PM on December 1, 2025
Application Opens November 3, 2025
Account required for application submission.
Once an application is submitted, you may not make any edits or add additional documents.
Please ensure your information is correct prior to submission.
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CONTACT US: If you require additional guidance on how to direct your question or are not able to locate the information you are looking for on the New Mexico Higher Education Department's website, please send us a message.