Teacher Loan Repayment Program
The purpose of the Teacher Loan Repayment Program (TLRP) is to increase the number of teachers in designated high-need teacher positions in public schools through an educational loan repayment program. The program provides for repayment of the principal and reasonable interest accrued on loans obtained from the federal government for teacher education purposes.
Must be a teacher who is currently teaching in one of the following High-need positions:
- Have an endorsement and currently teaching bilingual education;
- Have an endorsement and currently teaching early childhood education or special education;
- Have an endorsement and currently teaching science, technology, engineering, mathematics or career technical education courses; or
- Teaching in a low performing school which serves a high percentage of economically disadvantaged students (40% or more of the students receive free & reduced lunch
General Eligibility Requirements
- Bona fide citizen of the United States;
- Bona fide New Mexico resident (12 consecutive months);
- Licensed New Mexico teacher;
- Must have completed at least three years of teaching in New Mexico (current academic contract does not qualify);
- Preference is given to graduates of New Mexico public post-secondary institutions;
- Currently teaching in one of the high-need teacher positions listed above (minority teachers filling a high need position are given preference).
When To Apply
The application opens every year on June 1st and closes promptly on August 1st.
Where To Apply
The Application link will be available in the yellow box below starting on June 1st and will be removed from the page on the closing date of August 1st.
Review Process
The Advisory Committee reviews each individual application and makes a full and careful investigation of the ability and qualifications of each applicant determining the fitness of a teacher to participate in the Teacher Loan Repayment Program.
Awards are dependent upon specific public school’s need for the designated high-need teacher position, the teacher’s total education indebtedness and available balances in the TLRP fund. Recipients are eligible for renewal upon completion of a two-school year obligation period. Recipients will be required to sign a contract committing to serve at an eligible employment site for a period of two (2) school years. Payments are made annually to the loan servicer directly upon verification of employment.
The Teacher Loan Repayment Program is a serious commitment to the students of New Mexico. Therefore, all participants are expected to complete their two-school-year service obligation. If a program participant does not complete a full year of teaching shall be voided, and the teacher shall forfeit any right to that year's payment pursuant to the agreement (contract).
The Teacher Loan Repayment Program Application Opens at 8:00am on June 1, 2025.
The Teacher Loan Repayment Program Application will close at 5:00pm on August 1, 2025.
*Please DO NOT use Internet Explorer to complete the application.
Please find below two instructional videos for rendering PDFs on Android and iOS smartphones:
The TLRP is a two-year program. If you are currently on the TLRP, please ensure your two-year contract date has ended before reapplying for school year 2025-2026.
Please email any questions to fin.aid@hed.nm.gov
Search for Information:
CONTACT US: If you require additional guidance on how to direct your question or are not able to locate the information you are looking for on the New Mexico Higher Education Department's website, please send us a message.