Allied Loan-For-Service
The purpose of the Allied Health Loan-For-Service is to increase the number of physician assistants in areas of the state which have experienced shortages of health practitioners, by making educational loans to students seeking certification/licensure in an eligible health field which include the following:
- Physical Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Speech-Language Pathology
- Audiology
- Pharmacy
- Respiratory Care
- Laboratory Technology
- Mental Health-Social Services
- Emergency Medical Services
- Nutrition
- Dental Hygiene
As a condition of each loan, the student shall declare his/her intent to practice as a health professional in a designated shortage area within the state of New Mexico.
For every year of service provided in a designated shortage area within New Mexico, a portion of the loan will be forgiven. If the entire service agreement is fulfilled, 100% of the loan is eligible for forgiveness. Penalties will be assessed if the service agreement is not satisfied.
- New Mexico Resident (12 consecutive months)
- Attend a public post-secondary institution in New Mexico
- Undergraduate or Graduate
- Enrolled at least half-time
- Demonstrate financial need (meeting all FAFSA & SAP requirements)
- Student must declare his/her intent to practice as a health professional in a designated shortage area within the state of New Mexico
How To Apply
- Student shall complete the FAFSA;
- Complete the Loan-For-Service Application electronically on the Submittable Platform;
- Current program recipients will need to apply each year for funding.
When To Apply
The application opens every year on May 15th and closes on July 1st.
Where To Apply
The application link will be available on this page (below) starting May15th and will be removed from the page on the closing date of July 1st.
The award is based on financial need of the student. The award may not exceed $16,000.00 per year.
The award is for a period of one year but may be renewable for up for four years upon resubmission of an application each year.
Shortage Areas
- Community Health Centers;
- Federally Qualified Health Centers;
- Homeless Healthcare Centers;
- Indian Health Services;
- Migrant Health Centers;
- Non-profit centers/clinics – 501 (c ) 3 IRS verification must be provided;
- Non-profit Hospitals – 501 ( c) 3 IRS verification must be provided;
- Rural Health Clinics.
The Allied Loan-For-Service Program Application is CLOSED.
The application will open on May 15, 2025
Application will open May 15, 2025
Please email any questions to fin.aid@hed.nm.gov
Search for Information:
CONTACT US: If you require additional guidance on how to direct your question or are not able to locate the information you are looking for on the New Mexico Higher Education Department's website, please send us a message.