Indian Education Division


Higher education opens the door to greater pathways, career options, and greater job satisfaction. When we think of higher education, we often associate it with large scale universities. Yet higher education encompasses so much more.

There are plenty of options available in the State of New Mexico. From community colleges, to four-year research institutions, to Tribal colleges, to career and technical education institutions, the potential pathways are abundant!

The Indian Education Division at the New Mexico Higher Education Department (NMHED) is here to assist prospective and current students navigate their higher education path. Below are resources on key areas that prospective and current students need to consider such as the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), Financial Aid, Institutional Scholarships, and more. If you’re a student and there is something more specific that you have a question about, please contact us using the chat box below. We are here to help!

I have a question

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

The FAFSA is key to eligibility for Financial Aid. $150 billion dollars in Federal Student Aid is available every year and completing the FAFSA creates access to these dollars. Additionally, many Higher Education Institutions require students to complete this form every year to be eligible for institutional financial aid. Some state financial aid resources also require that students complete their FAFSA. By completing the FAFSA, you open many doors to financial aid opportunities!

The New Mexico Education Assistance Foundation (NMEAF) offers FAFSA assistance. The link below will lead you to the NMEAF site where students can schedule appointments for virtual help sessions. 

FAFSA Assistance

Mission Statement

The Indian Education Division is responsible for building, ensuring and maintaining effective two way communication between the New Mexico Higher Education Department (NMHED) and Tribal Communities within the State. This includes individual in-person meetings, phone conferences, video conferences and electronic communications between the Tribal Liaison and all Tribes, Nations and Pueblos within the State. These relationships and communications are essential to Government-to-Government communications and Tribal Consultation.

The Indian Education Division is committed to working with Tribes, Nations and Pueblos in New Mexico for the best interests of Native American Students in Higher Education. The Division works to promote and share NMHED resources available for Native American Students. In addition, the Division will work with Tribes, Nations and Pueblos to hear needs, concerns and questions and work to address them accordingly. The Indian Education Division is also responsible for upholding the provisions of the State Tribal Collaboration Act and the NMHED State Tribal Collaboration Act Communications Policy.


  • Strengthen the relationships between NMHED and Tribes, Nations and Pueblos in New Mexico
  • Create new opportunities for Native American students to translate their education to careers at their home communities
  • Explore partnerships with Tribes, Nations and Pueblos, and other agencies/entities to address issues of mutual concern

Division Staff 








Tribal Liaison, Director of Indian Education Division

Email  Phone

2044 Galisteo Street, Suite 4, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505






Desiree Aguilar

Education Administrator


2044 Galisteo Street, Suite 4, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505

CONTACT US: If you require additional guidance on how to direct your question or are not able to locate the information you are looking for on the New Mexico Higher Education Department's website, please send us a message.