Total results: 704.
NMHED Fall Enrollment NMHED Fall Enrollment by Subgroup NMHED Degree Production NMHED Degree Production by Subgroup
Agenda is available below.
The purpose of the Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit sealed proposals to establish a contract through competitive negotiations for the procurement of services for the verification, provision, and tracking of stipends to qualifying Pilot Program participants in accordance with NMSA sec. 9-25-24, ensuring the timely delivery of the…
Agenda is available below.
The purpose of the hearing is to take public comment regarding the proposed amendment of 5.100.7 NMAC, LICENSURE UNDER THE POST-SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION ACT.
The purpose of the hearing is to take public comment regarding the proposed amendment of 5.100.6 NMAC, REGISTRATION UNDER THE POST-SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION ACT.
The purpose of the hearing is to take public comment regarding proposed adoption of a new rule 5.9.2 NMAC, WORKFORCE TRAINING ECONOMIC SUPPORT PILOT PROGRAM.
The purpose of the hearing is to take public comment regarding the proposed amendment of 5.5.5 NMAC, CLOSURE AND STUDENT COMPLAINT PROCEDURES FOR PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS.
Questions Received Before Pre-Application Conference|New Mexico State University provides a link for the financial statements; will this be acceptable for the grant? We will accept links to your institution’s audits. The RFA packet and guidance have been updated to allow you to paste your links into the RFA. For the…
Request for Applications: Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) FY 2026-2029 Funding Application: Adult Education and Family Literacy Act Providers Notice of Funding Availability January 2025 Due to multiple requests for a Word version to accommodate varying preferences and needs, NMHED is providing the RFA in both Microsoft Word…
Agenda is available below.
Presentations & Reports | Program Evaluation: Postsecondary Credentials- September 17, 2024 Program Evaluation: Online Higher Education- April 18, 2024 Budget Presentation- January 25, 2024 Program Evaluation: Opportunity & Lottery Scholarships- August 22, 2023 College Retention Presentation- July 19, 2023 Health Professional Loan Repayment Program Report- July 10, 2023 Financial Incentives…
Agenda is available below.
Dual Credit Annual Reports| Academic Year 22-23 Academic Year 21-22 Academic Year 20-21 Academic Year 19-20 Academic Year 18-19
Agenda is available below.
Agenda is available below.
The purpose of the hearing is to take public comment regarding the proposed repeal and replacement of 5.7.37 NMAC, NEW MEXICO OPPORTUNITY SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM
The purpose of the hearing is to take public comment regarding proposed adoption of a new rule 5.7.36 NMAC, COMMUNITY GOVERNANCE ATTORNEY PROGRAM
The purpose of the hearing is to take public comment regarding proposed amendments to 5.7.31 NMAC, PUBLIC SERVICE LAW LOAN REPAYMENT PROGRAM
The purpose of the hearing is to take public comment regarding the proposed repeal and replacement of 5.7.20 NMAC, LEGISLATIVE LOTTERY SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM.
Applying to State Jobs Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Feugiat pellentesque pretium nulla vitae varius elementum sem a aliquet. Risus molestie vitae nibh quam pretium a viverra. Ut praesent at a facilisis felis felis quam quam. Dignissim tortor nullam eu est non lectus. Adipiscing a condimentum est vitae. Maecenas…
Missed the Higher Education Technical Summit? Click Here to View Available Presentations The New Mexico Higher Education Department (NMHED) hosted the 1st Annual Higher Education Technical Summit at the National Hispanic Cultural Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico on April 30th & May 1st, 2024. An expansion of previous spring trainings…
Coming Soon
Submitting Comments/ ListServ Comments regarding a proposed rulemaking may be submitted by the noticed deadline via e-mail or mail, or in person at the rule hearing. Email: Mail: New Mexico Higher Education Department, Attn: Legal, 2044 Galisteo Street, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505 Note: When submitting comments please specify…
The New Mexico Higher Education Department gives notice of the termination of its rulemaking for the proposed adoption of new rule 5.7.36 NMAC, COMMUNITY GOVERNANCE ATTORNEY PROGRAM.
The purpose of the hearing is to take public comment regarding proposed adoption of a new rule 5.7.36 NMAC, COMMUNITY GOVERNANCE ATTORNEY PROGRAM.
The purpose of the hearing is to take public comment regarding proposed amendments to 5.7.37 NMAC, NEW MEXICO OPPORTUNITY SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM.
The purpose of the hearing is to take public comment regarding proposed amendments to 5.7.34 NMAC, TEACHER PREPARATION AFFORDABILITY SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM.
The purpose of the hearing is to take public comment regarding proposed amendments to 5.7.18 NMAC, RESIDENCY FOR TUITION PURPOSES.
Pre-Proposal Conference Tuesday, December 12, 1:30 p.m. via Microsoft Teams Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 289 967 716 855 Passcode: ixvAKK The purpose of the Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit sealed proposals to: 1. Review, report, assess and recommend changes/processes/rules to streamline the Research and…
The purpose of the Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit sealed proposals to establish a contract through competitive negotiations for the procurement of costs associated with a feasibility study regarding Mesalands Community College (MCC) to gather community feedback, study the college’s fiscal condition and make recommendations to the interim…